Nick Efstathiadis



“I’m Tony. That’s me winning a race in my red briefs.”

boxerimages“And I can fight too, punch out yer lights, quick as a wink!”

Well, Friends, I caught a quick image of our illustrious P.M. boarding his plane for Davos in Switzerland. He was walking like an orangutan which does suggest  he projects rare moments of honesty.

Funded by its 1,000 member companies whose balance sheets run into the billions, the 40th World Economic Forum is a meeting of 2,500 carefully selected minds with lots of money. The political leaders from the G20 and beyond are also in attendance and it becomes a heady mix of people who matter and make decisions that affect billions of us proles who don’t count.

For five days, the creme de la creme of the planet will enjoy speeches, dinners, drinks, intimate chats and perhaps the chance of doing a deal while bragging about their wealth and importance.

Then, into this exalted gathering wanders Abbott. What exactly does the bike rider, marathon runner, surf club aficionado and member of the Bushfire Brigade say to all these heavyweights who, between them, own most of the world and run it to suit themselves. As soon as he opens his mouth, Tony shows who and what he is.

When he sits down at the table, how will Abbott know which knives and forks to use? Will he try to impress the other guests with a rundown on how he is going to slash and burn the poor people in Australia when Parliament resumes.

“Good show, Abbass,” Sir Humphrey Ponce will say in a pained voice, “Keep them in their place, I say. Don’t want them getting above their station, eh,” and then change the subject to something important like the International Monetary Fund or the World Bank or Wall Street.

I can imagine some of the billionaires in Tony’s vicinity pushing at their memory, trying to recall where Australia is and what importance it has. They might also wonder if Abbott is a retarded son or love child of Rupert, the scallywag of Murdoch fame who became an American in order to better himself (surely a huge miscalculation).

Yes, Abbott will be like a leper in rags suddenly appearing at the Vatican in the middle of High Mass. He will be tolerated by the important people should they happen across him then he will be immediately forgotten.

Never has Australia been so poorly represented. I almost feel sorry for Tony. He is clearly out of his class. Malcolm should have been sent in his place.

At least Malcolm can play the toffee-nose part and he is a multimillionaire with business experience and some charisma at least!

Poor fella, my country!

Abbott Goes To Davos! A Pawn Among The Sharks! | DANGEROUS CREATION — for savants.
