By political reporter Andrew Greene Sunday 7 September 2014
Photo: PM Tony Abbott is marking one year in office (AAP: Jane Dempster)
The Abbott Government is today marking one year since winning office, with the Prime Minister declaring the Coalition is delivering on its commitments.
Tony Abbott flew to Sydney this morning after wrapping up his eleventh overseas trip as Prime Minister in time for the first anniversary of his decisive election win.
To record the occasion, the Government produced a 20-page glossy document titled Building a Stronger Australia to spruik its record, highlighting the Government's achievements of stopping asylum seeker boats, scrapping taxes, building roads and repairing the budget.
In a recorded video message, Mr Abbott said the Government's focus had been on "building a strong, prosperous economy and a safe and secure Australia".
"I do look back at the past 12 months with some satisfaction," told reporters on Sunday.
Labor said the past 12 months had been marred by broken promises, "nasty surprises" and "pathetic excuses".
Opposition Leader Bill Shorten said the Abbott Government's record was not a proud one and was leaving Australians feeling anxious.
Abbott's 2013 election commitments
Fact Check's Promise Tracker reveals how many major Coalition promises are delivered and broken.
"I think we'll all remember on election night Tony Abbott said he'd be a government of no surprises and no excuses. Ever since then we've seen nasty surprises and pathetic excuses," he said.
"I think there's a real sense of anxiety in the Australian community."
Labor frontbencher Anthony Albanese said the Coalition had nothing to celebrate.
"The Abbott Government treats its promises like plates at a Greek wedding – they're there to be smashed," Mr Albanese said.
"They treat these promises as disposable. And I think what has really annoyed Australians is that when they break promises they pretend that either they haven't made or they're not breaking them."
Mr Abbott rejected the suggestion, but acknowledged some things could have been done better. He said he felt some satisfaction with his first year in office.
"In the end that's going to be a matter for the people to judge in two years' time but we have faced some tough challenges, we've faced them squarely and honestly and we've done the best we can sometimes under difficult circumstances," he said.
He admitted there was more work to be done on promises such as the paid parental leave scheme.
"The details are there for all to see. Obviously it's got to go into the Parliament and that will be happening soon, but this is a policy that the families of Australia, the women of Australia and the businesses of Australia need," he said.
Independent Senator Nick Xenophon told the ABC's Insiders program the Government's first twelve months had left voters feeling despaired.