Nick Efstathiadis

Australian Associated Press, Tuesday 25 March 2014

Former federal MP was sentenced to 12 months’ jail, nine months of which are suspended

Craig Thomson Craig Thomson: Magistrate Charlie Rozencwajg was scathing of Thomson's conduct. Photograph: David Crosling/AAPIMAGE

Former federal MP Craig Thomson will spend three months in jail for spending union funds on prostitutes and personal expenses.

Thomson was sentenced to 12 months' jail, nine months of which are suspended for two years.

Magistrate Charlie Rozencwajg was scathing of Thomson's conduct.

"The offences exhibit a brazen arrogance and a sense of entitlement in dealing with the funds of members," Rozencwajg said.

He said the fact the union funds were used to pay for sexual services did not affect the sentence, but it highlighted the selfish ends of Thomson's behaviour.

"Nothing has been put before me to suggest these offences were committed for any reason other than greed."

Craig Thomson to serve three months in jail for misuse of union funds | World news |
