Nick Efstathiadis

By chief political correspondent Emma Griffiths

Tony Abbott unveils new ministry Photo: Prime Minister-elect Tony Abbott announces his new ministry at Parliament House on Monday. (AAP: Alan Porritt)

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The swearing in ceremony will be followed this afternoon by a ministerial meeting and the first Cabinet meeting of the new Abbott government.

Prime Minister-elect Tony Abbott says his government will waste little time before getting down to business after he and his frontbench are officially sworn in this morning.

Ten days after being elected to government, the Prime Minister-elect, his ministers and parliamentary secretaries will be officially commissioned by the Governor-General Quentin Bryce at Government House.

Mr Abbott says he will immediately instruct the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to prepare legislation to repeal the carbon tax.

He also says incoming treasurer Joe Hockey will instruct the board of the Clean Energy Corporation to cease operations.

It is also expected that the Climate Change Authority and the Climate Commission will be abolished.

"Today is not just a ceremonial day, it's an action day. The Australian people expect us to get straight down to business and that's exactly what this Government will do," Mr Abbott said.

"As soon as I return to Parliament House from the swearing-in ceremony, I will instruct the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet to prepare the carbon tax repeal legislation."

Australia's chief scientist, Professor Ian Chubb has told ABC's Lateline program the likely axing of the climate bodies will be a loss.

"These sorts of issues are not going away just because we ignore them," he said.

"They are things we are going to have to deal with and grapple with and understand better and then make informed choices rather than go out there and guess at what we might do."

Mr Abbott also says the Immigration Department will immediately cease granting permanent protection visas.

Tony Abbott to become 28th prime minister

Mr Abbott, who will become Australia's 28th prime minister, announced his ministerial line-up on Monday, revealing who will hold key roles in the incoming Coalition government.

Joe Hockey will be sworn in as treasurer, Christopher Pyne as education minister, Peter Dutton as health minister and David Johnston will hold the defence portfolio.

The deputy leader of the Liberal Party, Julie Bishop, will be foreign affairs minister and the only woman in Cabinet.

Nineteen Cabinet ministers, 11 junior ministers and 12 parliamentary secretaries will be sworn in.

The swearing in ceremony will be followed this afternoon by a ministerial meeting and the first Cabinet meeting of the new Abbott government.

Border-control policies kick in

Mr Abbott has said the Coalition's asylum seeker policy, Operation Sovereign Borders, will begin today and "will start to make a difference from day one".

The operation, which was announced in July, sets out a military response to fight people smuggling.

Late yesterday it was revealed that Deputy Chief of Army Major General Angus Campbell will head up the operation.

Who's in Team Abbott?

Tony Abbott has revealed the make-up of his first ministry, including some "significant promotions" but a "disappointing" number of women.


The former SAS officer was the deputy national security adviser to former prime minister John Howard.

The policy also establishes Operation Relex II, which aims to turn back asylum seeker boats "where it is safe to do so".

Since the September 7 election, seven asylum seeker boats have arrived, carrying 480 passengers.

Mr Abbott has also flagged a significant shake-up of the public service following the swearing-in and his reorganisation of several portfolios.

A new administrative arrangements order will outline which departments will fall under which new minister.

It is likely that some departments will be merged, prompting public service cuts, especially in senior ranks.

Mr Abbott has said he "respects" the public service, but has promised to slash 12,000 jobs through natural attrition, saving $5 billion over the four forward estimates years.

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Tony Abbott to have carbon tax repeal legislation drawn up immediately after being sworn in - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
